The Challenge

Covid-19 shut down the sector with devastating financial consequences and huge uncertainty as to when they would be allowed to re-open and what restrictions would be put in place. Being a friend of Wireless Social, we wanted to help the industry with insights as much as possible.

Our Insights

Wireless Social has access to mass amounts of footfall data across every town and city in the UK, and so are able to provide valuable insight into how busy it is in an area or even around a specific venue.

Alongside this, the demographic data of who was visiting and when, meant that it combined with Fourth Hospitaliy's data set perfectly, to give a rounded set of insights.

Our Solution

Fourth Hospitality and Wireless Social hosted an online webinar reporting on their combined data, to provide a holistic snapshot of the hospitality industry since Covid-19 hit. This was particularly helpful for operators to make informed decisions about what venues to re-open and where, and to plan for the future based on actual data.

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