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All your questions answered here.

If you can’t find what you are looking for please get in touch. Our team is always happy to help.

General Questions

  • Super simple.

    Once we’ve checked your current hardware, we will send you your new access points via courier, along with simple instructions to help you install them.

    We’ll set up your splash pages and arrange training on how to use the dashboard. And you’re live!

  • Our pricing varies depending on how big your venue and estate is.

    Prices start from £30 per month.

  • All the data collected is owned by you and Wireless Social (as Joint Controller).

    You can be assured that you can use your data for the purposes you need in line with your companies privacy policy. Marketing consent is collected for you.

    Wireless Social will not market to your customers directly nor seek permission to market to them as part of the WiFi product.

  • Your Customer Success Manager will be in contact once to arrange training and support you to make the most of your Wireless Social service.

  • We are here for whatever you need.

    We see it as the start of an ongoing relationship. We assign a member of the customer success team to check in with you, and our website features resources to help you on-demand: How to videos, insight reports and footfall data at your fingertips.

  • Intro us to your IT team and we will sort the techy bit out for you.

    Got other tech platforms you want to integrate with? We can help there too.

  • We partner with most CRM & Single Customer View systems.

    Even if we aren't, we will happily setup the integration for you.

  • Send your details to and we will take care of your request.